

The Edanbrook GASPAC boiler is a fully packaged 3 pass wet back boiler designed for high combustion and thermal efficiency. Designed to burn liquid and gaseous fuels.
A true three-pass design ensures efficient heat transfer and low exhaust gas exit temperatures for high thermal efficiency. Equipped with the latest automation and multi-fuel capability

  • Large furnace size to avoid flame impingement on pressure parts
  • Large water and steam space in the boiler to meet high fluctuating loads
  • Large heat transfer area gurantees lower heat flux and lower thermal stress
  • Low water level and high steam pressure locks



The range includes compact boilers from 6 TPH to 25 TPH and are designed to burn both liquid and gaseous fuels, with kerosene and natural gas being the most common.

  • Large heat transfer area, water hold-up capacity and steam space
  • Compact design requiring less floor space. No civil foundation
  • Reliable water level controller and burner management systems
  • Efficient design meets high fluctuating loads without falling operating pressure